Man Hair

I braved the wind and rain this morning to take a stop at place called "Herre Frisør" basically, a man's haircutter. I saw the sign that said walk-in earlier this weekend and needed a cut so this morning I went right away at 9am and was the first (and only) one. I sat down and was able to maintain a 45 minuter session in Norwegian and haircutting. The only problem was when she asked me how many millimeters I wanted the razor to be...well, I took a guess at 8 mm and went with it. A little short, but it looks alright. I got the full treatment with shampoo and gel totalling out to 280 kroner...about 40 dollars! Well, it was fun and it's short enough now that I won't have to go again for a while.

Today we are studying international law and tonight I have my first Norwegian test in my Norwegian class. On top of that, I've started a Spanish-English class with two Spanish girls and one Peruvian girl. They all want to improve their English and I want to improve my Spanish so it's a good trade off. Language always excites me, so it's great to mix up Norwegian and Spanish in my head and try to sort them out in my mouth!


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