Film Festival

The past four days have been filled with everything from man eating Korean monsters to military juntas which can only mean one thing: the Tromsø International Film Festival! It is a huge event that fills downtown Tromsø with thousands of eager movie fans. This year I am volunteering which means I can get into the movies for free! I have been running from theatre to theatre trying to decide what to see, and am off again soon to try to get a left over ticket for the short film festival competition. Thus far the best film I've seen is "The Cronicle of an Escape" about Argentina in the late 1970's. Full reviews of all the films will be up soon...after I rub the glaze from my eyes.

1 Comment:

  1. Jen said...
    korean monsters are a delicacy! i'm happy to hear you're keeping busy and having fun. keep warm!

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