foot-loose thinking

It's been a tough week. It seems like everyone around me, including myself, are going through this big decision phase of deciding where to live, what to do, and who they want to be with. It's insane. I really enjoy living the ex-pat, international life. I'm constantly learning, exposed to new people, and in general enjoy the challenges, so I feel bad complaining. But I've had numerous conversations with a variety of people lately about how hard it is too. I mean, it seems like most of my friends are living the same type of life, and it's frustrating to constantly build strong relationships only to see the friends leave, or to leave myself. It's as if I'm constantly rebuilding instead of being able to enjoy the fruits of my labor.

So the question is when do you decide that, yes, I can be satisfied here or with these people or doing this thing. Or do you? On the other hand, I am making lots of friends that are doing amazing things all over the world, so it's great to know that I can go visit them and see the world...although it would also be nice just to have a coffee on my veranda with them regularly. I know that if I had the settled life I would be dreaming of the international life, so I'm not complaining, just thinking.


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