I'm the fact man

I'm currently in training for one of the coolest summer jobs: being a tour guide! Basically, I spend almost 40 hours this spring memorizing random facts about Tromsø and learning how to herd massive amounts of bodies through different museums in Tromsø.

For instance, I learned the difference between a fjord and a sund. A fjord is a body of water that cuts inland from the ocean, but that cannot be navigated, meaning you can't get out on the other side. A sund however looks the same but has an exit. Thus, Tromsø is located on a sund, not a fjord. Interesting to know. Also, Tromsø has enough chairs at bars and cafes to seat 22,000 people, which is one-third of the population! Lots more facts to learn, and I hope everyone can come visit this summer to let me tell them all about this "Gateway to the Arctic!"


  1. Anonymous said...
    great stuff Scoot! Be sure to save me a place on one of your tours in June =D

    Silje said...
    Good work! The way to know a real Tromsø-person from a fake one, is to see if they call the sund a fjord. If they do, they haven't got it. Indeed, calling Tromsøsundet a fjord is almost like swearing in church.
    Anonymous said...
    We are fired up to visit you and learn more about Tromsø in June! You will be perfect for this job!

    Love Your Snowbound SD Family
    Misha BB said...
    Good luck with yer job.
    This is Mikkel from PECOS, by the way. Found ya in the Wiki.
    Anonymous said...
    Hi Scott, Have fun learning the factoids of Tromso! We will have to find one of those 22,000 chairs for good food and drinks when we arrive this June. Love Dad

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