The Brewery is Open

Last night I had a craving and ran to the grocery store right before it closed to pick up some vanilla ice cream and root beer to make one of my favorite snacks: root beer floats. I was stunned to find no root beer! Anywhere. I came home a little frustrated, but today finally figured out what to do. I'm going to brew my own! I ordered the supplies and will soon have created the world's northernmost root beer brewery. I'm anticipating the northern location to have a particularly effective influence on the cold, frosty floats, so I'm excited to begin my chemistry experiment. I'm sure pictures will be posted as soon as the attempt is made.

In other news, today was the Tromsø Storm basketball team's last home game and they actually won! The best part was that they were giving away all the stuff they had left over from the year so I caught a Tromsø Storm t-shirt. Pretty sweet. It reminded me of the old days at the Jacks games trying to catch the shirts they would throw out. Finally, my time has come. Off to lose to Stian again in chess.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Hey Scott,
    What are you going to name your new root beer? Just wondering. . .
    Love, Mom
    With Root Beer in the 'Frig
    Anonymous said...
    Hi Scott!
    I wasn't sure how to do this blogging thing........kind of behind the times!! However, I couldn't resist trying when I saw the "root beer brewing" adventure. It just made me laugh and think that you were more "Meyer" than I thought! It sounds like something Grandma and Grandpa Meyer would try! ha! Good luck with that. I am enjoying your journal......take care of yourself!
    Aunt Julie

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