Moving and Sitting Low

I officially started the move to my new house today. I took two bags of clothes there, and I am definitely getting a taxi on Monday when I move the rest! It will be a great spot though. I put my clothes away and had a few friends come over to eat our first meal there...rommegrøt! It's like Cream of Wheat with sugar, cinnamon, raisins, etc. It tasted great considering it's basically justporridgee, but I walked home and walking up hill for 30 min made me realize why you need to let your food digest before exercising.

I'm excited and am in a cleaning frenzy because tomorrow my girlfriend Alison will be coming to visit! She will be here for 9 days, so she will get a great taste of Tromsø¸ life. She'll arrive tomorrow at 3.30pm and then we are going to go to Finnkroken, the small island North of Tromsø where I went with my Peace Studies class during orientation. The picture above is from Finnkroken. Pray for sun!

I just got word that Tromsø's team won a big football (soccer) match tonight in UEFA qualifying so the rowdy fans are out! Fun stuff. A beautiful night up North. Hope all is well down South.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Hi Scott,
    Thanks for the update! The photo from the island is beautiful! Enjoy showing Alison around Tromsø. We will think of you both this weekend when we are moving John into Luther. . . Love, Mom
    Anonymous said...
    Hi Scott, Good to hear from you again. I was joking about the taxi but sounds like a good idea. Hope it all goes well. Did you get in on the soccer celebration or just observe? Hope you get your wish and have some sunny days when Alison arrives. Love Dad
    Anonymous said...
    Greetings from the South.....South Dakota, and specifically our home in Sioux Falls, as we hosted 18 members of Luther's Frisbee team for Lufda camp 2005. Fun to meet your brother, John, and put faces to a myriad of nicknames. I can report that 60 roast beef sandwiches evaporated in a mere 10 minutes and that the odor from 18 frisbee players can overwhelm any household. Other stories must be obtained directly from the camp rooster. Our household is migrating toward Decorah with Jamison leaving yesterday, Transfer and Geoffrey this am and our youngest, Sanna, moves into Brandt on Saturday.
    Enjoy Norway. Var Sa God.
    Kristi Devick Beek
    Anonymous said...
    Hi Scott!
    WOW! I had a big smile on my face when I read that you savored some rommegrot! It was (and still is) a favorite dish that my Grandma Lund made every Christmas. We eat it with sugar, butter and cinnamon... and we NEVER walk afterwards. In fact I think that's against Norge law! HA HA! We are enjoying reading of your adventures and looking at photos!
    Love and hugs from Farmington...
    Sara, Al, Sam, Ben and Matt

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