Small Town South Dakota

I felt at home earlier this week when I was getting out of my (brother's) car and the postman started driving up the cul-du-sac. He pulled up next to the mailbox and then I heard spin of tires on ice. He was stuck! I felt a deep calling to help out a fellow South Dakotan, so I did the small town thing and pushed the mail truck off the ice and back on the road. That's right, the whole truck! I felt strong (even though mail trucks are about a third of the size of real trucks) and felt like I could relax the rest of the day, guilt free.

Besides saving locals in distress, I am also getting ready to go back to Tromsø. I leave Saturday at 1pm from Sioux Falls and will arrive in Tromsø about 24 hours later. It will be a long trip, but I'm excited to get back to the books, even if I have to put the postman back at risk. Hopefully someone else will be ready to push them out.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Hi Scott,
    All of us on Terrace Drive thank you for rescuing the local postman. . . mail is the highlight of the day you know!! Time for me to get those letters and care packages back on the plane for Tromsø.

    Love, Mom

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