Hello from Florence!
I am sitting in an internet cafe in Florence, Italy after 4 days of frisbee in Rimini, Italy. It felt so liberating to be physical and sweat and sunburn, and dive again and again in sand. Our team was really great. We gelled really well, especially off the field. We played well, not amazing, but we got 32nd out of 48 teams and won four games and lost four. we played competatively and had a ton of fun and even played a "beer in hand point" where everyone on the field had to have a beer in their hand and if you spill while running or catching the frisbee, its a turnover. crazy european stuff. add to that a male streaker at the championship game, a team called the mohawks who all wore mohawks, and a 50 year old german doing the post game cheer with his pants down, and you have a wacky, international weekend of fun and disc. My feet and body are sore, but I now have frisbee friends from all over the world and am once again encouraged to keep seeking out frisbee wherever i can!
i had a tiring journey after a tiring weekend to florence and made it to the hostel at about 11pm last night. i met a really nice canadian named rachel on the way to the hostel so today we wandered around florence toether. i saw the david statue. amazing. i have never had an emotional response from a statue before, but it blew me away. the way it captured human features and the beauty of the human body was unbelieveable. a definite highlight. (the picture here is just a copy because we couldn't take pictures of the actual statue.) we also went to a great local italia restaurant. we were placed at a table with other people and everyone was loud and drinking red wine with their pasta at 2pm.
fun stuff. not sure what else is in store, but i fly to bergen thursday early morning so i might have to move to pisa tomorrow to be closer to the airport, not sure what to do with that yet.
out of time here at the cafe, but hope everyone had a great easter. i will be back in norway on thursday in bergen and back to tromsoe on sunday night.Ciao!
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-From the other brother who skipped Easter