You know you live on the frontier when...

you want to go to a movie, and it's not playing because it didn't make it to town due to bad weather.

That's right! I was very excited to see the new movie "Babel" which was coming for a special premiere in Tromsø, two weeks ahead of the Norwegian opening. I've watched the preview probably 5 times trying to convince other people to share my excitement, but this morning, when Rachel went to get tickets they told her that bad weather prevented the movie from arriving. Apparently the boat from the New World with the movie is lost somewhere in the North Sea. Or maybe it was eaten by one of those dragons on the edge of the world. Either way, no movie today. Just another day of surviving on the frontier.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Hi Scott, I just caught up on your doings. Just wanted you to know that you may remember in the tundra of South Dakota we call those rainbow spots on the side of the sun - Sun Dogs - around here they say that it predicts cold weather ahead! A little winter factoid for you! Missed you in Swiss. Have a good trip to Spain and look forward to seeing you soon.
    Love Dad
    Anonymous said...
    One more entry Scott. I remember when I was a young lad, walking up to the Cozy Theatre in Tyndall to see a movie on a cold wintry night. I got there and no movie because it did not make it through the blizzard! Ya, you betcha, we live on the frontier too! Dad

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