Decision Time

I am in the luxurious, but difficult position to decide whether or not to take a job in Spain as an English teacher! What do you do when decide between a job offer weighed against unrealized posibilities? Should I spend another year away from family and friends and in another culture and language? Or looked at the other way, should I continue to learn and challenge myself and meet more friends? And if I don't take it, do I just assume something cooler will come to me? I don't know, but I put a 24 hour deadline on myself. I think I'll take it, but I have to breathe.


  1. Silje said...
    Do you feel that tickling eagerness in your heart that make you excited in a wanting-to-jump-up-and-down kind of way? Then do not doubt. If not, examine your goals and your motives carefully. But then again, unrealized possibilites are everywhere, including in a job in Spain.
    Anonymous said...
    Hi Scott, I am uncomfortable in giving you a recommendation (as the old 60's song says - your not a kid anymore!) My selfish part wants you to come back to the US so we can see you more! My Meyer adventurous part says, take another challenge and learn some more! But that is easy for me to say. I guess if you accept, we would get to see you in Sept in the US and I am sure we would find our way to
    Spain! I am certain something else would come up for you but who knows what it will be. Good luck with your decision, I know that you always make good ones. Love Dad
    Anonymous said...
    Who needs to watch NBC's "Where in the World is Matt Lauer?" when I have my very own adventurous son!! Think it all through and make the best decision possible! You will do well wherever you are! You know how much I love to visit Spain. . .

    stian said...

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