Poland, here we come!

The bags are packed, exam turned in, and the taxi is coming in 6 hours. Time for Poland! We celebrated the end of our semester with a homemade pizza party tonight accompanied with a few fun hours of catchphrase. I never realized how American that game is until I had to explain "bubbling brook" to a Norwegian! It was great though, and so fun to relax with my good friends. We will definitely have a good time in Gdansk. I will be trying to add some posts from our hostel, so stay tuned to hear updates from Northern Poland. I'll be in Gdansk from tomorrow until the 6th of December and will be chilling at the Baltic Hostel (baltichostel.com) if you want to see where we'll be. Welp. Until the next post...vi snakkes...


  1. Anonymous said...
    Have a great trip to Gdansk! I am anxious to hear your impressions of Poland. Thanks for the advice on Tromso travels. Hope your exams went well and the homemade pizza was good! Love Dad
    Anonymous said...
    We are in the midst of our first winter storm. School and work were called off today and already they have called off school for tomorrow!!Rain...ice...snow...and 50 mph winds. Ellen and Jack think it is the best Thanksgiving vacation ever. We are tuned in to the Colts tonight-Jack's team.
    Have safe travels...see you in December. CINDY
    Anonymous said...
    Hey Scott,
    I just checked out the web site for www.baltichostel.com and loved the location, funky music, free breakfast, great location, free Internet, laundry. . . what more could you want? Sounds like you will have a wonderful holiday in Gdansk with your Peace friends! Be safe. . . Love, Mom

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