T-day with the Serbs

Sunrise: None
Sunset: None

Happy Thanksgiving all you Americans out there! Following American tradition, I too watched football today with a bunch of Serbs. Typical. Tonight was a UEFA cup football (soccer) match between Tromsø and Red Star, a football club from Belgrade, Serbia. It was a great Tromsø night for football with the temperature at freezing and light snow in the air, and home field advantage was apparent. Tromsø played well despite the fact that the Red Star players looked like giants next to the short Norwegians, and Tromsø ended up winning 3-1! Excitement.

It was a fun night, even though I ate peanut butter sandwiches and soup instead of turkey, but fortunately on Saturday Rachel and I are going to an American celebration in Tromsø where Americans are gathering to have a Thanksgiving feast. We are responsible for bringing a dessert, so I guess we'll get to experience Thanksgiving pot luck style.

And finally, on another "celebratory" note, it is official: the sun is gone. For all practical purposes the sun's been gone for a while hiding behind the mounting, but today was the first day that the sun did not come above the horizon. Now I guess I start the longest night of my life. It's been going fine though, kind of used to it now. Now, back to writing about how the concept of motherhood does not make women more peaceful. Yep. Happy T-day!

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    happy thanksgiving man! how many different ways of celebrating to day can you count so far?

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